A downloadable game
In a faraway planet known as Laytis, exists a world of small, yet incredibly smart creatures known as "Goobs." These creatures are more advanced than the human race in terms of information about the world, and they are currently creating a worldly encyclopedia. They are currently missing some important information about art in the planet of Earth, which just happens to be our planet! In this game, you will enter the world of Laytis and take the role of Abe, a worker in the National Information Organization of Laytis and you will explore three main art periods in our history: The Stone Age, The Egyptian Era, and the Greek and Hellenistic period. You can use your handy time machine to travel back and forth between periods until you collect the handy documents in each one!
Status | Released |
Author | rachelquijano |
Genre | Platformer, Educational |
Tags | 2D |
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